About Court.
Court Johnson (she/her/hers) is an artist, therapist, and biomedical visualization student living in Chicago, IL with her partner and their dog, Murphy. Her areas of professional expertise include providing therapy for, and developing/delivering trainings and content on: mood, anxiety, eating disorders, OCD, stress reduction, LGBTQ+ concerns, suicide prevention, and improving mental wellness.
On the arts side of things, Court likes to create art with meaning, explore new and unusual mediums whenever she can, and loves collaborating with other artists and passionate people to do things that make a difference and tell a story.
Director of Strategic Initiatives & Crisis Response
Therapist, Cityscape Counseling -Chicago, IL
Education Manager, NAMI Chicago - Chicago, IL
Therapist, The Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders - Northbrook, IL
Clinical Intern, Chicago Youth Centers - Chicago, IL
Head Research Assistant, Research on Eating Disorders and Suicidality Laboratory - Oxford, OH
Research Assistant, Behavior, Emotions, and Relationships Laboratory - Oxford, OH
Independent Artist - Various Locations, USA
Training, Education, & Consultation
❖ Developed and delivered organization-wide staff training on suicide assessment, resources, prevention, and crisis response
❖ Created a training curriculum for youth ages 10-13 to provide introductory mental health education with a focus on prevention, early identification, and connection to support
❖ Designed, and coordinated the implementation of, a wellness curriculum for use with all Chicago Office of Emergency Management & Communications personnel
❖ Created and presented novel training content specific to mental health, emotion coaching and support, and suicidality for audiences including the Chicago Public Library, Rush Hospital, BlueCross BlueShield, NAMI National, and more
❖ Created a virtual platform for youth engagement and education to decrease barriers to access for information about mental health for students grades 3-12 and their caregivers, available in English and Spanish
❖ Conducted in-depth curriculum review and provided recommendations and editing for Chicago’s CIT and CIT-Y training programs to support the improvement of safety for youth and adults experiencing mental health crises
❖ Navigated grant applications, management, budgeting, and reporting
❖ Completed review and editing of the first edition of NAMIChicago’s Workplace Mental Health Toolkit
❖ Provided policy guidance and facilitated policy creation with several Chicago organizations to support expedient identification of, and response to, youth experiencing mental health crises
Forrest, L.N., Velkoff, E.A., Johnson, C.J., Luebbe, A., &Smith, A.R. (2019). Establishing the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Painful and Provocative Events Scale-Revised. Journal of Affective Disorders, 253, 438-448.
Project: First Annual Drag March for Change, Digital Art: Portraits of Featured Drag Queens - Chicago, IL
Gallery Installation: Lethal Ladies: The Women of True Crime Exhibit, Sculpture: She Wore a Tuxedo, Columbia College - Chicago, IL
Community Art Installation: We All Live Here & Chicago Youth Center’s Rebecca K. Crown Center, Painting: We All Live Here, University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
University of Illinois Chicago, Illinois
Master of Science, Biomedical Visualization (In Progress)
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Master of Arts, Social Service Administration
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology